
In their paper, Houser et al. investigate the how Escherichia coli respond to starvation conditions by taking genome-wide reads of RNA and protein abundances over the span of two weeks. By analyzing the changes in these abundances, we may understand the physiological response of E. coli to starvation conditions on a global level and across multiple cellular subsystems, an important goal of systems biology.

Here are the five procedures from the paper I seek to reproduce:

  1. Processing the data

  2. Clustering by k-means of profiles of all RNAs and all proteins to compare global uniformity of regulation

  3. Calculating correlations between proteins and their transcripts across time to understand post-translational regulation of proteins

  4. Calculating pair-wise correlations between RNAs and proteins in the same operon, and

  5. Functional analysis of up- and down-regulated RNAs and proteins to understand physiological response.

The Data

Three biological replicates of E. coli were grown in a glucose-limited environment for two weeks, and RNA and protein abundances were measured from samples at 9 time points (3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 24, 48, 24*7 = 168, and 24*14 = 336 hours). RNA levels were determined through RNA-seq, and protein levels were determined from “shotgun” mass spectrometry. I will leave the details of the experimental methods to the original paper. The result, however, is an impressive depth of coverage, in which there are about 4400 unique RNAs and 3700 unique proteins observed, each associated with a gene.

The raw counts of RNAs and proteins must be normalized in order to compare them on the same relative scale.

  • RNA data for every time point are scaled by a factor determined from DESeq, which uses a model based on the negative binomial distribution to test for differential expression between the 3 hour mark and each time point thereafter. This yields a scaling factor for each time point after the 3h mark, and also a list of RNAs which change significantly at at least one time point. Those deemed insignificant are removed from the dataset. The average and standard deviation across all replicates is calculated. Each individual RNA (row) is divided by its maximum presence in order to put each observation on the same scaled of 0-1.
  • Proteins with a maximum read of less than 10 across all three replicates and nine time points are removed. Then, each time point is divided by its respective read depth, the total number of proteins counted at that time point, (i.e., the column sum). Finally, each indiviual protein (row) is divided by its maximum count to put each observation on the scale of 0-1, and the average and standard deviation across all replicates at each time point for every protein is found.

Normalizing RNA counts

First we read in the raw RNA data. The argument preserves strings instead of converting them to factors. We can look at how many RNAs there are in the file and what the data look like. Each row is an RNA associated with a specific gene. The first column (gene_id) contains the gene IDs for the RNA. The next nine columns of the data (t3_1, t4_1, etc.) represent the counts across the nine time points for the first replicate, the next nine represent the counts for all the time points for the second replicates, and ditto the third set of nine columns.

rna <- read.csv("Data/rna.csv", header = TRUE, = TRUE)
## [1] 4486
##     gene_id t3_1 t4_1 t5_1 t6_1 t8_1 t24_1 t48_1 t168_1 t336_1 t3_2 t4_2
## 1 ECB_00001  287  628  289  174   14     3     4    151    308   62   82
## 2 ECB_00002 3948 4251 3669 2630   19     1     1    129    670  995 1794
## 3 ECB_00003 1434 1669 1444 1359    7     1     1     51    183  468  620
## 4 ECB_00004 1483 2243 1565 1123    4     0     3     13     99  436  752
## 5 ECB_00005  154  248  174  149    2     0     0      8     27   33   62
## 6 ECB_00006   94  144   30   15    1     1     0      7     18   23   26
##   t5_2 t6_2 t8_2 t24_2 t48_2 t168_2 t336_2 t3_3 t4_3 t5_3 t6_3 t8_3 t24_3
## 1  709   88   45    20     7     65     92  196  180  180  107   93    62
## 2 1204 2216   26    13     4     72    147 3421 3415 3500 4236 3496    26
## 3  226  727   25     4     1     22     46 1558 1229 1337 1604 1131     7
## 4  243  796   22     4     0      4     37 1594 1602 1563 1573 1089     1
## 5    8   70    3     1     1      3      6  102  125  139   96   71     2
## 6    5   16    3     0     1      0      4   14   14   20   30   17     2
##   t48_3 t168_3 t336_3
## 1     7    157    131
## 2     4    289    230
## 3     3    115    135
## 4     0     30     41
## 5     0     28     13
## 6     0      9     18

We’ll store the names later for us to refer to later.

rna_names <- rna[, 1]

Now read in the scaling size factors determined from DESeq. The script for performing DESeq may be found in the DESeq folder on my github page.

ssf <- read.csv("Data/ssf.csv", header = T)
##               gene_id t3_1     t4_1     t5_1     t6_1       t8_1
## 1 Scaled_Size_Factors    1 2.601299 1.366777 0.827417 0.08685918
##        t24_1      t48_1    t168_1    t336_1 t3_2      t4_2      t5_2
## 1 0.02271258 0.01820273 0.3659708 0.6880737    1 0.5790526 0.1758467
##       t6_2      t8_2      t24_2      t48_2     t168_2    t336_2 t3_3
## 1 0.450973 0.1636889 0.05190501 0.03281993 0.09503869 0.2802595    1
##       t4_3     t5_3      t6_3      t8_3     t24_3      t48_3    t168_3
## 1 1.050962 1.019205 0.7643261 0.7542864 0.1473271 0.03909185 0.3843031
##      t336_3
## 1 0.5665493
ssf <- unlist(ssf[1, 2:ncol(ssf)])
##       t3_1       t4_1       t5_1       t6_1       t8_1      t24_1 
## 1.00000000 2.60129909 1.36677671 0.82741703 0.08685918 0.02271258 
##      t48_1     t168_1     t336_1       t3_2       t4_2       t5_2 
## 0.01820273 0.36597082 0.68807371 1.00000000 0.57905264 0.17584674 
##       t6_2       t8_2      t24_2      t48_2     t168_2     t336_2 
## 0.45097301 0.16368893 0.05190501 0.03281993 0.09503869 0.28025945 
##       t3_3       t4_3       t5_3       t6_3       t8_3      t24_3 
## 1.00000000 1.05096154 1.01920549 0.76432611 0.75428639 0.14732710 
##      t48_3     t168_3     t336_3 
## 0.03909185 0.38430313 0.56654929

We will divide each time point of each replicate by the appropriate scale factor with the sweep command

rna_norm <- sweep(as.matrix(rna[, -1]), 2, ssf, `/`)
rna_norm[1, ]
##      t3_1      t4_1      t5_1      t6_1      t8_1     t24_1     t48_1 
##  287.0000  241.4178  211.4464  210.2930  161.1804  132.0854  219.7473 
##    t168_1    t336_1      t3_2      t4_2      t5_2      t6_2      t8_2 
##  412.6012  447.6265   62.0000  141.6106 4031.9200  195.1336  274.9117 
##     t24_2     t48_2    t168_2    t336_2      t3_3      t4_3      t5_3 
##  385.3193  213.2850  683.9320  328.2673  196.0000  171.2717  176.6082 
##      t6_3      t8_3     t24_3     t48_3    t168_3    t336_3 
##  139.9926  123.2953  420.8323  179.0655  408.5317  231.2244

Find average and standard deviation over all time periods, and then normalize each row by its maximum in order to make them relative counts.

rna_norm_av <- matrix(rep(0, nrow(rna) * 9), nrow = nrow(rna))
rna_norm_sd <- matrix(rep(0, nrow(rna) * 9), nrow = nrow(rna))

for (t in 1:9) {
    rna_norm_t <- rna_norm[, c(t, t + 9, t + 18)]
    rna_norm_av[, t] <- apply(rna_norm_t, 1, mean)
    rna_norm_sd[, t] <- apply(rna_norm_t, 1, sd)

rna_norm_av_max <- apply(rna_norm_av, 1, max)

rna_norm_av <- sweep(rna_norm_av, 1, rna_norm_av_max, '/') 
rna_norm_sd <- sweep(rna_norm_sd, 1, rna_norm_av_max, '/') 

##           [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]      [,5]       [,6]
## [1,] 0.1233039 0.1254080 1.0000000 0.1233987 0.1265590 0.21227202
## [2,] 0.6134428 0.5854076 0.9509197 1.0000000 0.3676276 0.03454203
## [3,] 0.6463531 0.5383266 0.6825034 1.0000000 0.3236902 0.03149676
## [4,] 0.6781421 0.7113934 0.7838231 1.0000000 0.3135324 0.01618651
## [5,] 0.6270351 0.6972177 0.6708228 1.0000000 0.2939513 0.07125462
## [6,] 1.0000000 0.8670154 0.5344002 0.7088382 0.3998335 0.43972283
##            [,7]       [,8]       [,9]
## [1,] 0.13848446 0.34051437 0.22785608
## [2,] 0.02047282 0.13657125 0.13966116
## [3,] 0.03029051 0.12517636 0.12485789
## [4,] 0.03181466 0.03005088 0.06722899
## [5,] 0.06610836 0.27399678 0.18137293
## [6,] 0.23259002 0.32478031 0.55117377

Now we will create a dataframe for our data, combining it with the names we saved before and adding on column names for each time point. Finally, we omit any missing values and save them to a csv file we can load later.

rna_norm_av <- data.frame(rna_names, rna_norm_av)
colnames(rna_norm_av) <- c("gene_id", "t3", "t4", "t5", "t6", 
                           "t8", "t24", "t48", "t168", "t336")
rna_norm_sd <- data.frame(rna_names, rna_norm_sd)
colnames(rna_norm_sd) <- colnames(rna_norm_av)

rna_norm_av <- na.omit(rna_norm_av)
rna_norm_sd <- na.omit(rna_norm_sd)

write.csv(rna_norm_av, file = "Data/rna_norm_av.csv", row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(rna_norm_sd, file = "Data/rna_norm_sd.csv", row.names = FALSE)

We have saved all the RNA’s in order to do calculations later for correlations with their respective proteins, but now we will save only the significant RNAs as found by DESeq.

rna_norm_av <- read.csv("Data/rna_norm_av.csv", header = TRUE)
rna_norm_sd <- read.csv("Data/rna_norm_sd.csv", header = TRUE)

all_rna_names <- as.character(rna_norm_av[, 1])

sig_rna_names <- as.character(read.csv("Data/sig_rnas.csv", header = TRUE)[, 1])

rna_keep <- which(all_rna_names %in% sig_rna_names)

rna_sig_norm_av <- rna_norm_av[rna_keep, ]
rna_sig_norm_sd <- rna_norm_sd[rna_keep, ]

write.csv(rna_sig_norm_av, file = "Data/rna_sig_norm_av.csv", row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(rna_sig_norm_sd, file = "Data/rna_sig_norm_sd.csv", row.names = FALSE)

Normalizing protein counts

Now we’ll perform a similar procedure for the proteins, only our normalization scheme is a little different. Instead of using DESeq to normalize counts, we will normalize to the total read depth at each time point by dividing each element by its column sum. First, we read in the raw data. The format is the same as for the RNAs.

pro <- read.csv("Data/protein.csv", header = TRUE, = TRUE)
## [1] 3702
##          gene_id t3_1 t4_1 t5_1 t6_1 t8_1 t24_1 t48_1 t168_1 t336_1 t3_2
## 1 YP_003044966.1    0    0    0    0    0     0     1      1      0    0
## 2 YP_003043986.1   87  101  104  133  140   132   127    130    128  104
## 3 YP_003045405.1    2    4    5    5    6     3     4      5      6    8
## 4 YP_003044440.1    0    0    0    0    0     0     0      0      0    0
## 5 YP_003043527.1    2    4    0    0    7     5     6      5      5    0
## 6 YP_003045246.1    6    3    3    1    0     0     3      2      0    0
##   t4_2 t5_2 t6_2 t8_2 t24_2 t48_2 t168_2 t336_2 t3_3 t4_3 t5_3 t6_3 t8_3
## 1    0    2    0    0     0     0      1      0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.5    0
## 2  135  119  143  168   169   139    112    123 67.0 64.0 55.0 73.5   73
## 3    8    5    4    3     0     0      2      2  2.5  1.0  4.0  2.0    2
## 4    0    0    0    0     0     0      0      0  0.0  0.0  2.0  0.0    0
## 5    3    3    0    8     7     8      6      0  0.0  0.0  0.5  0.5    7
## 6    1    1    1    1     0     2      4      0  6.0  4.5 10.5  7.5    7
##   t24_3 t48_3 t168_3 t336_3
## 1   0.5   0.0    0.5    0.0
## 2  89.5  56.5   55.5   39.5
## 3   1.0   2.5    2.0    0.0
## 4   0.0   0.0    0.0    0.0
## 5   4.5   0.0    0.0    0.0
## 6  11.0   4.0    6.5    7.0

Find the proteins to keep, which are only those with a maximum read of at least 10. We’ll omit them after we find the read depth.

pro_maxes <- apply(pro[, -1], 1, max)
pro_keep <- which(pro_maxes >= 10)

Find the total read depth apply finding column sums for each time replicate, and then divide each column by the column sum.

pro_time_maxes <- colSums(pro[, -1])
pro_norm <- sweep(as.matrix(pro[, -1]), 2, pro_time_maxes, `/`)

Throw out insignificant proteins found before.

pro_norm <- pro_norm[pro_keep, ]
pro_names <- pro[pro_keep, 1]

Normalize each row by its maximum value.

pro_norm_av <- matrix(rep(0, nrow(pro_norm) * 9), nrow = nrow(pro_norm))
pro_norm_sd <- matrix(rep(0, nrow(pro_norm) * 9), nrow = nrow(pro_norm))

for (t in 1:9) {
    pro_norm_t <- pro_norm[, c(t, t + 9, t + 18)]
    pro_norm_av[, t] <- apply(pro_norm_t, 1, mean)
    pro_norm_sd[, t] <- apply(pro_norm_t, 1, sd)

# Normalize it so it's in (0, 1)
pro_norm_av_max <- apply(pro_norm_av, 1, max)

pro_norm_av <- sweep(pro_norm_av, 1, pro_norm_av_max, '/') 
pro_norm_sd <- sweep(pro_norm_sd, 1, pro_norm_av_max, '/') 

Finally, attach the protein names from before, create a dataframe, and save it to a csv.

pro_norm_av <- data.frame(pro_names, pro_norm_av)
colnames(pro_norm_av) <- c("gene_id", "t3", "t4", "t5", "t6", 
                           "t8", "t24", "t48", "t168", "t336")
pro_norm_sd <- data.frame(pro_names, pro_norm_sd)
colnames(pro_norm_sd) <- colnames(pro_norm_av)

write.csv(pro_norm_av, file = "Data/pro_norm_av.csv", row.names = FALSE)
write.csv(pro_norm_sd, file = "Data/pro_norm_sd.csv", row.names = FALSE)

We have normalized the RNA and protein data, so we are ready to perform our methods.

Methods & Results

Before we continue, we must load some R libraries. The purpose of each will be clarified later on. ggplot2 is a powerful package which can easily produce rich graphics far superior to the base graphics in R.

## To install RDAVIDWebService, uncomment these two lines below (requires java >=1.8, openssl >= 1.06)
# source("")
# biocLite("RDAVIDWebService") 
# All other packages are available from CRAN

library(ggplot2)          # plotting
library(gridExtra)        # make a grid with ggplot
library(reshape2)         # melt function
library(caTools)          # trapz function
library(foreach)          # faster for-loops
library(doParallel)       # works with foreach
library(RDAVIDWebService) # run queries to DAVID API

Clustering of RNA and protein profiles by relative presence over time

Clustering in this context is used to compare the relative variation in time course data across the whole population of both RNA vs proteins. This is used as a proxy of how much variation there is in regulation of the cellular component. First, we look at how to perform k-means clustering along with visualization, and then we will take a closer look at choosing the appropriate number of clusters.

Read in the data from before.

rna_sig_norm_av <- read.csv("Data/rna_sig_norm_av.csv", header = T)
pro_norm_av <- read.csv("Data/pro_norm_av.csv", header = T)

Below we cluster the RNA time profiles. In the paper, 15 clusters are chosen. K-means clustering in R is pretty straightforward. The $centers component contains the centroids of each cluster. The melt command will turn a this matrix of centroids into a coordinate-element list which will make graphing with ggplot2 possible.

# Number of clusters
rna_centers <- 15

rna_k <- kmeans(rna_sig_norm_av[, -1], centers = rna_centers)
rna_k_centers <- rna_k$centers
##           t3         t4         t5         t6        t8        t24
## 1 0.41200474 0.53014850 0.86392985 0.72306249 0.2478441 0.03631924
## 2 0.09400307 0.09636866 0.09336847 0.09657971 0.1352691 0.12796013
## 3 0.07127718 0.06951826 0.08055517 0.06814602 0.1555546 0.15790419
## 4 0.13894946 0.11467453 0.12559504 0.12243755 1.0000000 0.22210684
## 5 0.69450297 0.66499537 0.68677057 0.64637342 0.7888272 0.50966579
## 6 0.73581471 0.81082238 0.71986198 0.66992133 0.3990910 0.16519759
##          t48      t168      t336
## 1 0.04292213 0.1083387 0.1628293
## 2 0.14938582 0.9541448 0.8488357
## 3 0.20858235 1.0000000 0.3423117
## 4 0.14534592 0.3274135 0.2482967
## 5 0.38482523 0.8098386 0.6216311
## 6 0.22784263 0.6886722 0.7372378
rna_k_centers_m <- melt(rna_k_centers)
##   Var1 Var2      value
## 1    1   t3 0.41200474
## 2    2   t3 0.09400307
## 3    3   t3 0.07127718
## 4    4   t3 0.13894946
## 5    5   t3 0.69450297
## 6    6   t3 0.73581471

To visualize the results from k-means clustering, we will make a heatmap with geom_tile from ggplot2. The colors for the low and high end of the spectrum may be adjusted.

p <- ggplot(rna_k_centers_m, aes(x = Var2, y = Var1, fill = value)) + 
geom_tile() + 
scale_fill_gradient(low = "snow", high = "dodgerblue3") + 
xlab("Time point") + 
ylab("Cluster number") +
ggtitle("RNA Cluster Centroids")

We will do the same thing now for proteins now. For this, 25 clusters are chosen in the paper.

# Number of clusters
pro_centers <- 25

# Run clustering
pro_k <- kmeans(pro_norm_av[, -1], centers = pro_centers)
pro_k_centers <- pro_k$centers
pro_k_centers_m <- melt(pro_k_centers)

q <- ggplot(pro_k_centers_m, aes(x = Var2, y = Var1, fill = value)) + 
geom_tile() + 
scale_fill_gradient(low = "snow", high = "dodgerblue3") + 
xlab("Time point") + 
ylab("Cluster number") +
ggtitle("Protein Cluster Centroids")

According to the paper, the number of clusters were chosen by “visual inspection.” A less subjective way of selecting number of clusters is the “elbow method”. For this, we make plot the number of clusters against the proportion of variation in the data explained by clustering, defined as the ratio of sum of squares between clusters and the total sum of squares. We select the number of clusters at the “elbow,” the point at which we reach significantly diminishing returns in percentage of variation explained. This is still a subjective method, but it is a good procedure to use a first-pass over the data.

In R, we create two vectors, which will contain the proportion of variation in data explained by clustering, and compute this number for increasing number of clusters, from 1 to 30. You may need to run the for-loop several times to reach convergence towards the higher end of clustering.

numclusters <- 1:30
rna_perc_exp <- c()
pro_perc_exp <- c()

for (i in numclusters) {
    rna_k_i <- kmeans(rna_sig_norm_av[, -1], centers = i)
    pro_k_i <- kmeans(pro_norm_av[, -1], centers = i)
    rna_perc_exp <- c(rna_perc_exp, rna_k_i$between / rna_k_i$totss * 100)
    pro_perc_exp <- c(pro_perc_exp, pro_k_i$between / pro_k_i$totss * 100)

Now we will plot these two sets to compare them

h <- qplot(numclusters, geom = "blank") +
xlab("Number of Clusters") + 
ylab("Percentage of Variation Explained by Clusters") + 
labs(title = "Elbow Method for k-means clustering for RNA vs. Proteins") +
geom_line(aes(x = numclusters, y = rna_perc_exp, colour = "RNA")) + 
geom_point(aes(x = numclusters, y =  rna_perc_exp, colour = "RNA")) + 
geom_line(aes(x = numclusters, y = pro_perc_exp, colour = "Proteins")) + 
geom_point(aes(x = numclusters, y = pro_perc_exp, colour = "Proteins")) +
scale_colour_manual(name = "", values = c("RNA" = "dodgerblue3", "Proteins" = "firebrick3"))  +
geom_point(aes(x = numclusters[2], y = rna_perc_exp[2]), colour = "black", shape = 1, size = 5) +
geom_point(aes(x = numclusters[3], y = pro_perc_exp[3]), colour = "black", shape = 1, size = 5)

I added a black circle to the points of the curves which I consider to be the “elbows”: Two clusters for RNAs and three clusters for proteins. As described in the paper, it appears that there is greater variability in time course counts in proteins than there is in RNAs. This is likely do to the fact there are more post-translational regulations of proteins than there are transcriptional regulations of RNAs. However, choosing 15 and 25 clusters for RNAs and proteins, respectively, appears to be excessive. These two points of each curve are far to the right of any point which could be considered the elbow.

Correlations of time course profiles between individual proteins and their respective transcripts

This section looks at how proteins are regulated compared to the presence of their transcripts. There are two limiting cases. The first is that the relative abundance of a protein at a given time point is directly proportional to the instantaneous relative abundance of its transcript, known as proportional regulation. This suggests a rapid rate of decay compared to the time scale of the experiment. The other is that the relative abundance of a protein at a given time point is directly proportional to the cumulative time integral of its transcript up to that time, known as integral regulation, suggesting that the rate of decay for that protein is slow compared to the time scale of the experiment.

First, let’s define a new function called ctrapz which will calculate a cumulative trapezoidal numerical integration between two vectors. The trapz function from the caTools is used to calculate an approximated integral using the trapezoid rule (my function here is modeled after a similar function in MATLAB).

ctrapz <- function(x, y) {
    n <- length(x)
    ctrapz <- c()
    for (i in 1:(n-1)) {
        ctrapz <- c(ctrapz, trapz(x[1:(i+1)], y[1:(i+1)]))

In the Data folder on the github page, I have a file called dictionary.csv, which we will use to map proteins to their respective transcripst. It also contains some other information, such as the short name of the protein, the starting and stopping point of the gene along the entire genome, and the operon on which the gene lies.

dict <- read.csv("Data/dictionary.csv", header = T)
##       Protein_id   mRNA_ID start.point stop.point length
## 1 YP_003043230.1       thrL ECB_00001  b0001         190        255     65
## 2 YP_003043231.1       thrA ECB_00002  b0002         337       2799   2462
## 3 YP_003043232.1       thrB ECB_00003  b0003        2801       3733    932
## 4 YP_003043233.1       thrC ECB_00004  b0004        3734       5020   1286
## 5 YP_003043234.1       yaaX ECB_00005  b0005        5234       5530    296
## 6 YP_003043235.1       yaaA ECB_00006  b0006        5683       6459    776
## 1     thrLABC
## 2     thrLABC
## 3     thrLABC
## 4     thrLABC
## 5        yaaX
## 6        yaaA

Let’s read in the data again, this time using the full list of RNAs (instead of just the significant ones) so that we cover every protein.

rna_norm_av <- read.csv("Data/rna_norm_av.csv", header = T)
pro_norm_av <- read.csv("Data/pro_norm_av.csv", header = T)

We will save the dictionary RNA names, and the names from the RNA and protein count data files.

dict_rna_names <- as.character(dict[, 3])
dict_pro_names <- as.character(dict[, 1])

rna_names <- as.character(rna_norm_av[, 1])
pro_names <- as.character(pro_norm_av[, 1])

Then we loop over every protein, and calculate the proportional and integral correlations with RNA. Using the cor command with argument method = "spearman" will calculate the Spearman correlation coefficient, a more robust method of finding correlations which looks for a monotonic relationship between two variables instead of strictly linear relationships, which is what the more commonly used Pearson correlation coefficient does. The ctrapz function I defined above will find the time integral of RNA levels.

N <- nrow(pro_norm_av)

cor_mat <- matrix(rep(NA, N * 3), nrow = N)

times <- c(3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 24, 48, 24*7, 24*7*2)

# for-loop going over all proteins in file
for (i in 1:N) {
    # Match protein to its transcript
    pro_name_i <- pro_names[i]
    index_p2r <- which(dict_pro_names == pro_name_i) # index for protein -> RNA 
    rna_name_i <- dict_rna_names[index_p2r]
    index_r2v <- which(rna_names == rna_name_i) # index for RNA in RNA file to find values
    # Normalized RNA and protein counts for protein and its rna
    rna_vals <- as.numeric(rna_norm_av[index_r2v, -1])
    pro_vals <- as.numeric(pro_norm_av[i, -1])
    # Cumulative integral for RNA values and times
    rna_vals_int <- c(rna_vals[1], ctrapz(times, rna_vals))
    cor_mat[i, 1] <- pro_name_i # Save the name of the protein
    cor_mat[i, 2] <- as.numeric(cor(rna_vals, pro_vals, method = "spearman")) 
    cor_mat[i, 3] <- as.numeric(cor(rna_vals_int, pro_vals, method = "spearman"))

prop_reg <- as.numeric(cor_mat[, 2])
int_reg <- as.numeric(cor_mat[, 3])

Finally, make a histogram of both sets of correlation coefficients.

u <- qplot(prop_reg,
    xlab = "Spearman Correlation Coefficient",
    main = "Protein vs. RNA (Prop. Regulation)") + 
    binwidth = diff(range(prop_reg)) / 8,
    col = "dodgerblue4",
    fill = "dodgerblue3")

v <- qplot(int_reg,
    xlab = "Spearman Correlation Coefficient",
    main = "Protein vs. Time Integral of RNA (Int. Regulation)") + 
    binwidth = diff(range(int_reg)) / 8,
    col = "dodgerblue4",
    fill = "dodgerblue3")

These results closely mirror the figures provided in the paper. We don’t expect to see much overlap between both limiting cases, and to verify this we can make a 2D histogram.

w <- qplot(prop_reg, int_reg, geom = "blank",
    xlab = "Correlation of Protein vs. RNA",
    ylab = "Correlation of Protein vs. Time Integral of RNA",
    main = "2D Histogram of Different Protein & RNA Regulation") + 
    stat_bin2d(bins = 10) +
    scale_fill_gradientn(colours = c("snow", "dodgerblue3"))

The strong negative correlation shown in this histogram confirms our expectations. There is actually a small cluster of RNAs residing in the upper right-hand corner, but these may be proteins with associated RNAs for which the counts of both are very low during the entire duration.

Intra-operon correlations of mRNAs and proteins

Genes lying in the same operon are transcribed at the same time as a single RNA. Therefore, we expect the RNAs of genes in the same operon to be highly correlated. However, we expect less correlation between proteins from the same operon because of differences in post-translational regulation.

To perform this part of the analysis, create a list of unique operons, and then loop over each one, calculate the (Spearman) correlation matrix of RNAs and proteins in the same operon, and take the median pairwise correlation from this matrix.

operonlist <- as.character(dict$
unique_operons <- unique(operonlist)

op_rna_cor <- c()
op_pro_cor <- c()

for (i in 1:length(unique_operons)) {
    operon_i <- unique_operons[i]
    operon_indices <- which(operonlist == operon_i)
    # Skip operons with fewer than 2 proteins
    if (length(operon_indices) < 2) {
    # Get values for RNAs and proteins in this operon
    operon_rna_names <- dict_rna_names[operon_indices]
    operon_pro_names <- dict_pro_names[operon_indices]
    rna_operon <- rna_sig_norm_av[which(rna_names %in% operon_rna_names), ]
    pro_operon <- pro_norm_av[which(pro_names %in% operon_pro_names), ]

    # Make correlation matrix
    pair_cor_rna <- cor(t(rna_operon[, -1]), method = "spearman")
    pair_cor_pro <- cor(t(pro_operon[, -1]), method = "spearman")

    # Add median pairwise correlation coeff by selecting lower triangle of correlation matrix
    op_rna_cor <- c(op_rna_cor, median(pair_cor_rna[lower.tri(pair_cor_rna)]))
    op_pro_cor <- c(op_pro_cor, median(pair_cor_pro[lower.tri(pair_cor_pro)]))

Now make a pair of histograms, omitting any missing values.

x <- qplot(na.omit(op_rna_cor),
    xlab = "Spearman Correlation Coefficient",
    main = "RNA Intra-operon Correlation") + 
    binwidth = diff(range(na.omit(op_rna_cor))) / 9,
    col = "dodgerblue4",
    fill = "dodgerblue3")

y <- qplot(na.omit(op_pro_cor),
    xlab = "Spearman Correlation Coefficient",
    main = "Protein Intra-operon Correlation") + 
    binwidth = diff(range(na.omit(op_pro_cor))) / 9,
    col = "dodgerblue4",
    fill = "dodgerblue3")

These results do not align very closely with the Figure 3 in the original paper. I am still not sure why this is, though perhaps it is because of the inaccuracy of the dictionary (I did not use the same dictionary of operons as the authors did). However, for the RNAs we do see more instances of higher correlation coefficients than we see with the histogram for the proteins.

Classification of expression-profile time courses into distinct categories and GO term enrichment

In this final method presented, we analyze which cellular processes are changed in response to the stress induced by starvation conditions. This consists of three steps:

  1. Fitting a continuous piecewise-linear curve to the time course data of each component,

  2. Classification of time courses to categories based on the fitted curve, and

  3. GO term enrichment via DAVID to analyze the function of RNAs and proteins in these cateogories.

The function to be fitted using the data for the relative presence of component \(i\) at time \(t_j\) is
\[\begin{align} f_i(t_j) = \begin{cases} A_{1i} & \text{if }\; t_j \leq \tau_{1i} \\ A_{1i} + \frac{A_{2i} - A_{1i}}{\tau_{2i} - \tau_{1i}}\cdot(t_j - \tau_1) & \text{if }\; \tau_{2i} < t_j \leq \tau_{3i} \\ A_{2i} & \text{if }\; \tau_{2i} < t_j \leq \tau_{3i} \\ A_{1i} + \frac{A_{3i} - A_{2i}}{\tau_{3i} - \tau_{2i}}\cdot(t_j - \tau_1) & \text{if }\; \tau_{3i} < t_j \leq \tau_{4i} \\ A_{3i} & \text{if }\; t_j > \tau_{4i} \end{cases} \end{align}.\]

(The curved part of the graph above is a result of the log-scaling of time on the x-axis, but it is linear in linear time.)

\(A_1\), \(A_2\), and \(A_3\) are referred to as the amplitude parameters, and \(\tau_1\), \(\tau_2\), \(\tau_3\), and \(\tau_4\) are referred to as the time parameters, which are the “knots” at which the slope of the function changes. This function is fitted so as to minimize the cost function for component \(i\)

\[C_i = \sum_j \frac{(d_i(t_j) - f_i(t_j))^2}{\sigma_i(t_j)},\]

where \(d_i(t_j)\) is the average of relative presences of component \(i\) across the three replicates, \(\sigma_i(t_j)\) is the standard deviation of relative presences of component \(i\) across the three replicates, and \(f_i(t_j)\) is defined as above. This cost function is the sum of squared differences between predicted presences and average presence over all times, scaled by the experimental error. In the original paper, the variance across the three replicates is used for scaling. However, there are many instances of having counts of all zeros at a given time point for all replicates (so variance = 0), and when I tried running my optimization algorithm using the variance instead of standard deviation, the weight assigned to these points overwhelmed the weights given to the others.

It should be noted that we are fitting a curve with seven parameters with nine data points, so overfitting is unavoidable. In fact, it could be argued that we are doing little more than “connecting the dots” between data-points. This point should not be overlooked. However, this fitting is only used for classification purposes, as we will see below, and not for the sake of prediction or interpolation, so we may procede as long as we do not make too much of our estimated parameters. Also note that I do not compute standard errors for the parameters. This means we cannot gauge the underlying uncertainty of our estimates. I do not see an easy workaround for this. Perhaps the best option would be to perform nonparametric residual bootstrapping, but there are a few problems with this approach. The residuals are probably not identically distributed. For instance, these are count data, so time points with very low counts across replicates imply low variability, and time points with higher counts across replicates imply high variability. And even if we were to make a naive iid assumption of residuals, we would need to fit around 10,000 number of bootstrap models in order to come up with an estimated variance of the estimated parameters, and this would require a lot of computational firepower even for just one component.

Once these curves have all been fit, the category of component \(i\) is defined as \[\begin{aligned} \text{category}_i = \begin{cases} \text{up-regulated }& \text{if }\; A_{1i} < A_{2i} \leq A_{3i} \\ \text{down-regulated }& \text{if }\; A_{1i} > A_{2i} \geq A_{3i} \\ \text{transiently up-regulated }& \text{if }\; A_{1i} < A_{3i} < A_{2i} \\ \text{transiently down-regulated }& \text{if }\; A_{2i} < A_{3i} < A_{1i} \\ \text{ambiguous }& \text{otherwise} \end{cases} \end{aligned}\]

given that the inequalities hold within some tolerance level to account for experimental error. For example, a component will be classified as up-regulated if \[(A_{3i} - \text{tol} > A_{2i} \;\text{AND}\; A_{2i} + \text{tol} > A_{1i}) \;\text{OR}\;\\ (A_{2i} - \text{tol} > A_{1i} \;\text{AND}\; A_{3i} + \text{tol} > A_{2i}) \;\text{OR}\;\\ (A_{3i} - \text{tol} > A_{1i} \;\text{AND}\; A_{2i} + \text{tol} > A_{1i} \;\text{AND}\; A_{2i} - \text{tol} > A_{1i})\]

Here I am only concerened with components which are either up- or down-regulated. Finally, once have assigned a category to each component of both types, we submit lists of up- and down-regulated RNAs and proteins to DAVID, a bioinformatics database which will return GO terms describing the function of genes in these categories. This provides us with insight into the physiological response of E. coli to starvation conditions.

Fitting a piecewise continuous curve

We will need to fit a curve for 1946 RNAs and 1677 proteins, which adds up to some serious computational heavy lifting. Since these tasks are independent of one another, we can lighten the load by utilizing parallelization using the foreach package, which works in conjunction with doParallel to make faster loops in R, which are notoriously slow. We already have these two packages loaded, so we just need to tell R how many processor cores to use in parallel.

## [1] 4
cl <- makeCluster(4) # however many cores you have

Read in the data from before.

rna.av <- read.csv("Data/rna_sig_norm_av.csv", header = T, = T) <- read.csv("Data/rna_sig_norm_sd.csv", header = T, = T)

pro.av <- read.csv("Data/pro_norm_av.csv", header = T, = T) <- read.csv("Data/pro_norm_sd.csv", header = T, = T)

dict <- read.csv("Data/dictionary.csv", header = T, = T)
entrez.dict <- read.csv("Data/entrez_dictionary.csv", header = T, = T)

##   Entrez_GeneID Symbol LocusTag
## 1        944740   yjhR    b4308
## 2        944741   nfrA    b0568
## 3        944742   thrL    b0001
## 4        944743  insB1    b0021
## 5        944744   sspA    b3229
## 6        944745   yaaJ    b0007

We define three functions, costfun, fit, and plotfun. The first is used to evaluate the cost function for a component associated with a candidate set of parameters. Again, it is the function to be minimized for each component. The other functions are used to graph an estimated time course curve of a component, along with the data. costfun is a bit clunky because it adds 1000 to the computed cost if the parameters are not well behaved (i.e., if the amplitude parameters are not within (0, 1) or the \(\tau\) values are not in a correct order) but I still noticed that the optimization method usually reached convergence and within a reasonable amount of time. Note that we must predefine the vectors of averages and standard deviations across replicates for our given component before we run the cost function.

costfun <- function(vec) {
    # INPUTS
    # vec is a vector of guesses for the 3 amplitude parameters (vec[1:3])
    #     and 4 time parameters (vec[4:7])
    # AVG and SD must be PRE-DEFINED as averages of presences and 
    #     standard deviations of presences, respectively, for each time
    # OUTPUT: Result of cost function defined in Houser et al. p. 21
    times <- c(3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 24, 48, 24*7, 24*7*2)
    A1 <- vec[1]; A2 <- vec[2]; A3 <- vec[3]
    tau1 <- vec[4]; tau2 <- vec[5]; tau3 <- vec[6]; tau4 <- vec[7]
    # Function for the fit
    fit <- (  A1 * (times <= tau1) + 

    ( A1 + (A2 - A1) / (tau2 - tau1) * (times - tau1) ) * 
    (times > tau1 & times <= tau2) + 

    A2 * (times > tau2 & times <= tau3) + 

    ( A2 + (A3 - A2) / (tau4 - tau3) * (times - tau3) ) * 
    (times > tau3 & times <= tau4) + 

    A3 * (times > tau4) )
    # Are the taus in the wrong order? is tau4 > final time? Is tau1 negative?
    check1 <- (tau1 < 0 || tau4 < tau3 || tau3 < tau2 || tau2 < tau1 || tau4 > times[9])
    # Are all the amplitudes within (0, 1)?
    check2 <- (A1 > 1 || A1 < 0 || A2 > 1 || A2 < 0 || A1 > 1 || A1 < 0)
    # Compute cost function, plus penalty if conditions are not all met
    # 0.001 added to denominator for numerical stability
    cost <- sum((fit - AVG)^2 / (SD + 0.01)) + (check1 + check2) * 1000


fit <- function(vec, times) {
    # Used in plotfun()
    # INPUTS
    # vec is a vector of estimates for the amplitude parameters (vec[1:3])
    #     and time parameters (vec[4:7])
    # times is a vector of continuos time points
    A1 <- vec[1]
    A2 <- vec[2]
    A3 <- vec[3]
    tau1 <- vec[4]
    tau2 <- vec[5]
    tau3 <- vec[6]
    tau4 <- vec[7]
    fit <- (  A1 * (times <= tau1) + 

    ( A1 + (A2 - A1) / (tau2 - tau1) * (times - tau1) ) * 
    (times > tau1 & times <= tau2) + 

    A2 * (times > tau2 & times <= tau3) + 

    ( A2 + (A3 - A2) / (tau4 - tau3) * (times - tau3) ) * 
    (times > tau3 & times <= tau4) + 

    A3 * (times > tau4) )

plotfun <- function(est, AVG, SD, name, type) {
  ##### *** Function for graphing estimated time course *** #####
    # est is the estimated parameters
    # AVG is the average of each time point
    # SD is the standard deviation of each time point
    # name is the name of the gene's transcripts as a string
    # type is a string, either "RNA"
    times.cont <- seq(3, 24*7*2, length.out = 1000)
    if (name == "") {name = "NOT FOUND"}
    v <- qplot(times.cont, geom = "blank") +
    xlab("Time (h)") +
    ylab("Relative presence") + 
    labs(title = sprintf("Estimated time course function for %s of %s", type, name)) +
    geom_line(aes(x = times.cont, y = fit(est, times.cont)), col = "red") +
    geom_point(aes(x = times, y = as.numeric(AVG))) +
        ymin = as.numeric(AVG-SD), ymax = as.numeric(AVG+SD)), 
        width=0.05) + 
    coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 1)) +

We will try to fit a curve for a randomly selected RNA.

n <- sample(1:nrow(rna.av), 1)

AVG <- rna.av[n, -1]
SD <-[n, -1]

name <- dict[which(dict[, 3] == rna.av[n, 1]), 2]

We initialize the amplitude parameters with random draws. For every component, we initialize the time parameters at the second, fourth, and sixth, and seventh observed time points (i.e., 4, 6, 24, and 24*7 = 168 hours) because, given that we only have nine time points, these are most likely to be the time points at which a “knot” will be found.

times <- c(3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 24, 48, 24*7, 24*7*2)
A1 <- runif(1); A2 <- runif(1); A3 <- runif(1)
tau1 <- times[2]; tau2 <- times[4]; tau3 <- times[6]; tau4 <- times[8]

Houser et al. originally used a differential evolution algorithm to fit the function. However, I chose another iterative algorithm, called the Neldor-Mead method and which is in the base R command optim, to fit the function. The first argument is the vector of initial parameters, the and the second argument is the function to be optimized. The Wikipedia entry for Nelder-Mead provides an excellent explanation of how it works. Essentially, it optimizes a function of \(n\) parameters by starting with \(n+1\) points in the \(n\)-simplex, and iteratively updating and shrinking the region outlined by the \(n+1\) points until convergence is reached. It is appealing because it is a highly general and non-convex optimization technique, and it works reasonably fast given the number of parameters in our problem. By default, optim chooses a maximum number of iterations of 500, but I changed this to 1000 in order to make it more likely to reach convergence.

system.time(myoptim <- optim(c(A1, A2, A3, tau1, tau2, tau3, tau4), 
            method = "Nelder-Mead", 
            control = list(maxit = 1000)))
##    user  system elapsed 
##   1.762   0.010   1.798

Display the results of optimization and the estimated parameters. The value object tells us the value of the function at the optimal point, counts gives the number of iterations used, and a convergence message of 0 represents that convergence was reached.

## [1] 0.1953317
## function gradient 
##      460       NA
## [1] 0
est <- myoptim$par
## [1]   0.83413995   0.09369668   0.15737669   6.00000796  11.15749770
## [6]  28.40232611 168.23555921

Now plot the estimated curve.

plotfun(est, AVG, SD, name, type = "transcript")

The black points are the average presences of each time point, and the error bars represent the standard deviation of each time point. Now let’s fit six more curves and see how our method holds up. The grid.arrange function will let us make a grid of these plots.

AVGmat <- matrix(rep(0, 6 * length(times)), nrow = 6)
 SDmat <- matrix(rep(0, 6 * length(times)), nrow = 6)
estmat <- matrix(rep(0, 6 * 7), nrow = 6, ncol = 7)
namevec <- vector(length = 6)
convvec <- vector(length = 6)

for (i in 1:6) {
    n <- sample(1:nrow(rna.av), 1)
    namevec[i] <- dict[which(dict[, 3] == rna.av[n, 1]), 2]
    AVG <- as.numeric(rna.av[n, -1])
     SD <- as.numeric([n, -1])
    AVGmat[i, ] <- AVG 
     SDmat[i, ] <- SD 
    A1 <- runif(1); A2 <- runif(1); A3 <- runif(1)
    tau1 <- times[2]; tau2 <- times[4]; tau3 <- times[6]; tau4 <- times[8]

    optim.i <- optim(c(A1, A2, A3, tau1, tau2, tau3, tau4), 
                     method = "Nelder-Mead", 
                     control = list(maxit = 1000))

    convvec[i] <- optim.i$convergence
    estmat[i, ]<- optim.i$par
## [1] 0 0 1 1 0 0
a  <- plotfun(estmat[1, ], AVGmat[1, ], SDmat[1, ], namevec[1], type = "transcript")
b  <- plotfun(estmat[2, ], AVGmat[2, ], SDmat[2, ], namevec[2], type = "transcript")
c  <- plotfun(estmat[3, ], AVGmat[3, ], SDmat[3, ], namevec[3], type = "transcript")
d  <- plotfun(estmat[4, ], AVGmat[4, ], SDmat[4, ], namevec[4], type = "transcript")
ee <- plotfun(estmat[5, ], AVGmat[5, ], SDmat[5, ], namevec[5], type = "transcript")
ff <- plotfun(estmat[6, ], AVGmat[6, ], SDmat[6, ], namevec[6], type = "transcript")

grid.arrange(a, b, c, d, ee, ff, ncol=2)

The optimization method seems to give estimated curves which are in line with the data. Again, less weight is given to points with higher standard deviations, so the curve will try to run through points with low standard deviations. Let’s try our approach with proteins now by plotting six randomly selected proteins.

AVGmat <- matrix(rep(0, 6 * length(times)), nrow = 6)
 SDmat <- matrix(rep(0, 6 * length(times)), nrow = 6)
estmat <- matrix(rep(0, 6 * 7), nrow = 6, ncol = 7)
namevec <- vector(length = 6)
convvec <- vector(length = 6)

for (i in 1:6) {
    n <- sample(1:nrow(pro.av), 1)
    namevec[i] <- dict[which(dict[, 1] == pro.av[n, 1]), 2]
    AVG <- as.numeric(pro.av[n, -1])
     SD <- as.numeric([n, -1])
    AVGmat[i, ] <- AVG 
     SDmat[i, ] <- SD 
    A1 <- runif(1); A2 <- runif(1); A3 <- runif(1)
    tau1 <- times[2]; tau2 <- times[4]; tau3 <- times[6]; tau4 <- times[8]

    optim.i <- optim(c(A1, A2, A3, tau1, tau2, tau3, tau4), 
                     method = "Nelder-Mead", 
                     control = list(maxit = 1000))

    convvec[i] <- optim.i$convergence
    estmat[i, ]<- optim.i$par

## [1] 1 1 1 1 0 0
g  <-  plotfun(estmat[1, ], AVGmat[1, ], SDmat[1, ], namevec[1], type = "protein")
h  <-  plotfun(estmat[2, ], AVGmat[2, ], SDmat[2, ], namevec[2], type = "protein")
eye <- plotfun(estmat[3, ], AVGmat[3, ], SDmat[3, ], namevec[3], type = "protein")
jay <- plotfun(estmat[4, ], AVGmat[4, ], SDmat[4, ], namevec[4], type = "protein")
kay <- plotfun(estmat[5, ], AVGmat[5, ], SDmat[5, ], namevec[5], type = "protein")
ell <- plotfun(estmat[6, ], AVGmat[6, ], SDmat[6, ], namevec[6], type = "protein")

grid.arrange(g, h, eye, jay, kay, ell, ncol=2)

The plot in the lower right-hand corner looks a little funky, but that is most likely due to the high variability throughout the entire time course.

Let’s make fits for all RNAs and all proteins. The demo below shows the time savings of using parallelization via foreach instead of R’s base for-loops.

x1 <- matrix(nrow = 10, ncol = 7)

# regular for-loop
system.time(for (i in 1:10) {
    AVG <- rna.av[i, -1]
    SD  <-[i, -1]
    A1 <- runif(1); A2 <- runif(1); A3 <- runif(1)
    optim.i <- optim(c(A1, A2, A3, tau1, tau2, tau3, tau4), 
    method = "Nelder-Mead", 
    control = list(maxit = 1000))
    x1[i, ] <- optim.i$par
} )
#   user  system elapsed
# 24.737   0.223  25.119

system.time (x2 <- 
    foreach(i=1:10, .combine='rbind', .inorder=TRUE) %dopar% {
    AVG <- rna.av[i, -1]
    SD  <-[i, -1]
    A1 <- runif(1); A2 <- runif(1); A3 <- runif(1)
    optim.i <- optim(c(A1, A2, A3, tau1, tau2, tau3, tau4), 
    method = "Nelder-Mead", 
    control = list(maxit = 1000))
    # parameter.matrix.example[i, ] <- optim.i$par
#  user  system elapsed
# 0.068   0.020  12.015

We can see that we have time saving of about one-half (note: I am pretty sure this is because, despite the output of detectCores(), my lowly mid-2014 probably only has two processors instead of four. If you’ve got a better machine you’ll likely see even greater savings.)

Finally we perform the fitting for all RNAs. This took about 45 minutes on my MacBook Air. Also, save the results so we don’t have to wait for that amount of time again.

parameters.rna <- 
    foreach(i=1:nrow(rna.av), .combine='rbind', .inorder=TRUE) %dopar% {
    AVG <- rna.av[i, -1]
    SD  <-[i, -1]
    A1 <- runif(1); A2 <- runif(1); A3 <- runif(1)
    optim.i <- optim(c(A1, A2, A3, tau1, tau2, tau3, tau4), 
    method = "Nelder-Mead", 
    control = list(maxit = 1000))
    # parameter.matrix.example[i, ] <- optim.i$par

parameters.rna <- matrix(parameters.rna, nrow = nrow(parameters.rna)) <- data.frame(cbind(rna.av[, 1], round(parameters.rna, 6)))
names( <- c("gene_id", "A1", "A2", "A3", "tau1", "tau2", "tau3", "tau4")
write.csv(file = "Results/rna_parameters.csv",, row.names = FALSE)

And now for the proteins. This took about 40 minutes for me. <- 
    foreach(i=1:nrow(pro.av), .combine='rbind', .inorder=TRUE) %dopar% {
    AVG <- pro.av[i, -1]
    SD  <-[i, -1]
    A1 <- runif(1); A2 <- runif(1); A3 <- runif(1)
    optim.i <- optim(c(A1, A2, A3, tau1, tau2, tau3, tau4), 
    method = "Nelder-Mead", 
    control = list(maxit = 1000))
    # parameter.matrix.example[i, ] <- optim.i$par

# Take only numerics <- matrix(, nrow = nrow( <- data.frame(cbind(pro.av[, 1], round(, 6)))
names( <- c("gene_id", "A1", "A2", "A3", "tau1", "tau2", "tau3", "tau4")
write.csv(file = "Results/pro_parameters.csv",, row.names = FALSE)


Now we classify each component based on its fitted curve. Read in the results of fitting. <- read.csv("Results/rna_parameters.csv", header = TRUE, = TRUE)

A1.r <-$A1
A2.r <-$A2
A3.r <-$A3 <- read.csv("Results/pro_parameters.csv", header = TRUE, = TRUE)

A1.p <-$A1
A2.p <-$A2
A3.p <-$A3

Look for which ones are up- and down-regulated.

# Error threshold
err <- 0.10

cond1.r  <- {(A3.r - err > A2.r) & (A2.r + err > A1.r)}
cond2.r  <- {(A2.r - err > A1.r) & (A3.r + err > A2.r)}
cond2B.r <- {(A3.r - err > A1.r) & (A2.r + err > A1.r) & (A2.r - err < A1.r)}

cond3.r  <- {(A3.r + err < A2.r) & (A2.r < A1.r + err)}
cond4.r  <- {(A2.r + err < A1.r) & (A3.r < A2.r + err)}
cond4B.r <- {(A3.r + err < A1.r) & (A2.r + err < A1.r) & (A2.r - err > A1.r)}

rna.up <-[cond1.r | cond2.r | cond2B.r , 1] <-[cond3.r | cond4.r | cond4B.r , 1]

sum(rna.up %in%
## [1] 0

There’s no overlap between the two categories. We will need to give each one an Entrez IDs so we can run them through DAVID.

rna.up.entrez <- c()
for (name in rna.up) {
    short <- dict$[which(dict$mRNA_ID == name)]
    new.entrez <- entrez.dict$Entrez_GeneID[which(entrez.dict$Symbol == short)]
    rna.up.entrez <- c(rna.up.entrez, new.entrez)

# <- c()
for (name in {
    short <- dict$[which(dict$mRNA_ID == name)]
    new.entrez <- entrez.dict$Entrez_GeneID[which(entrez.dict$Symbol == short)] <- c(, new.entrez)

Same thing for proteins.

cond1.p  <- {(A3.p - err > A2.p) & (A2.p + err > A1.p)}
cond2.p  <- {(A2.p - err > A1.p) & (A3.p + err > A2.p)}
cond2B.p <- {(A3.p - err > A1.p) & (A2.p + err > A1.p) & (A2.p - err < A1.p)}

cond3.p  <- {(A3.p + err < A2.p) & (A2.p < A1.p + err)}
cond4.p  <- {(A2.p + err < A1.p) & (A3.p < A2.p + err)}
cond4B.p <- {(A3.p + err < A1.p) & (A2.p + err < A1.p) & (A2.p - err > A1.p)}

pro.up <-[cond1.p | cond2.p | cond2B.p , 1] <-[cond3.p | cond4.p | cond4B.p , 1]

sum(pro.up %in%
## [1] 0

Again, no overlap here.

pro.up.entrez <- c()
for (name in pro.up) {
    short <- dict$[which(dict$Protein_id == name)]
    new.entrez <- entrez.dict$Entrez_GeneID[which(entrez.dict$Symbol == short)]
    pro.up.entrez <- c(pro.up.entrez, new.entrez)

# <- c()
for (name in {
    short <- dict$[which(dict$Protein_id == name)]
    new.entrez <- entrez.dict$Entrez_GeneID[which(entrez.dict$Symbol == short)] <- c(, new.entrez)

GO term enrichment using the DAVID API

The RDAVIDWebService[3] package allows us to run DAVID queries from R instead of having to navigate through the (slightly clunky) DAVID website. You will need to register your email on the site before you run these queries, however. Using the interface is pretty straightforward. We create 4 david elements, one for each category list we plan to run.

# Add link to sign up
david1 <- DAVIDWebService(email="", 

david2 <- DAVIDWebService(email="", 

david3 <- DAVIDWebService(email="", 

david4 <- DAVIDWebService(email="", 

Add our lists of Entrez IDs.

result1 <- addList(david1, rna.up.entrez, idType = "ENTREZ_GENE_ID", 
listName = "rna.up", listType = "Gene")

result2 <- addList(david2,, idType = "ENTREZ_GENE_ID", 
listName = "", listType = "Gene")

result3 <- addList(david3, pro.up.entrez, idType = "ENTREZ_GENE_ID", 
listName = "rna.up", listType = "Gene")

result4 <- addList(david4,, idType = "ENTREZ_GENE_ID", 
listName = "rna.up", listType = "Gene")


setAnnotationCategories(david1, "GOTERM_BP_FAT")
setAnnotationCategories(david2, "GOTERM_BP_FAT")
setAnnotationCategories(david3, "GOTERM_BP_FAT")
setAnnotationCategories(david4, "GOTERM_BP_FAT")

Perform functional clustering by writing them as R objects. We can also save them to tsv files.

FuncAnnotChart.rna.up <- getFunctionalAnnotationChart(david1) <- getFunctionalAnnotationChart(david2) <- getFunctionalAnnotationChart(david3) <- getFunctionalAnnotationChart(david4)

getFunctionalAnnotationChartFile(david1, "Results/FuncAnnotChart_rna_up.tsv")
getFunctionalAnnotationChartFile(david2, "Results/FuncAnnotChart_rna_do.tsv")
getFunctionalAnnotationChartFile(david3, "Results/FuncAnnotChart_pro_up.tsv")
getFunctionalAnnotationChartFile(david4, "Results/FuncAnnotChart_pro_do.tsv")

Now we can Look at the GO terms for each category functional clustering for each term. For up-regulated RNAs:

##  [1] GO:0005975~carbohydrate metabolic process             
##  [2] GO:0019751~polyol metabolic process                   
##  [3] GO:0019400~alditol metabolic process                  
##  [4] GO:0006071~glycerol metabolic process                 
##  [5] GO:0006066~alcohol metabolic process                  
##  [6] GO:0071496~cellular response to external stimulus     
##  [7] GO:0031668~cellular response to extracellular stimulus
##  [8] GO:0009432~SOS response                               
##  [9] GO:0009266~response to temperature stimulus           
## [10] GO:0016052~carbohydrate catabolic process             
## [11] GO:1901615~organic hydroxy compound metabolic process 
## [12] GO:0009991~response to extracellular stimulus         
## [13] GO:0030258~lipid modification                         
## [14] GO:0034440~lipid oxidation                            
## [15] GO:0019395~fatty acid oxidation                       
## [16] GO:0006631~fatty acid metabolic process               
## 16 Levels: GO:0005975~carbohydrate metabolic process ...

Down-regulated RNAs:$Term
##  [1] GO:1901566~organonitrogen compound biosynthetic process                  
##  [2] GO:0006412~translation                                                   
##  [3] GO:0043604~amide biosynthetic process                                    
##  [4] GO:0006518~peptide metabolic process                                     
##  [5] GO:0043043~peptide biosynthetic process                                  
##  [6] GO:0043603~cellular amide metabolic process                              
##  [7] GO:0010467~gene expression                                               
##  [8] GO:0034645~cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process                   
##  [9] GO:0009098~leucine biosynthetic process                                  
## [10] GO:0006551~leucine metabolic process                                     
## [11] GO:0016053~organic acid biosynthetic process                             
## [12] GO:0044283~small molecule biosynthetic process                           
## [13] GO:0046394~carboxylic acid biosynthetic process                          
## [14] GO:0008652~cellular amino acid biosynthetic process                      
## [15] GO:0040011~locomotion                                                    
## [16] GO:0042330~taxis                                                         
## [17] GO:0006547~histidine metabolic process                                   
## [18] GO:1902600~hydrogen ion transmembrane transport                          
## [19] GO:0000105~histidine biosynthetic process                                
## [20] GO:0055085~transmembrane transport                                       
## [21] GO:0006818~hydrogen transport                                            
## [22] GO:0015992~proton transport                                              
## [23] GO:0098662~inorganic cation transmembrane transport                      
## [24] GO:0015986~ATP synthesis coupled proton transport                        
## [25] GO:0034220~ion transmembrane transport                                   
## [26] GO:0015672~monovalent inorganic cation transport                         
## [27] GO:0009145~purine nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process           
## [28] GO:0009206~purine ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process       
## [29] GO:0098655~cation transmembrane transport                                
## [30] GO:0015985~energy coupled proton transport, down electrochemical gradient
## [31] GO:0009127~purine nucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process          
## [32] GO:0009156~ribonucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process             
## [33] GO:0009201~ribonucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process              
## [34] GO:0009142~nucleoside triphosphate biosynthetic process                  
## [35] GO:0006754~ATP biosynthetic process                                      
## [36] GO:0098660~inorganic ion transmembrane transport                         
## [37] GO:0009168~purine ribonucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process      
## [38] GO:0009124~nucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process                 
## [39] GO:0006812~cation transport                                              
## [40] GO:0006811~ion transport                                                 
## [41] GO:0006520~cellular amino acid metabolic process                         
## [42] GO:0072522~purine-containing compound biosynthetic process               
## [43] GO:0006164~purine nucleotide biosynthetic process                        
## [44] GO:1901293~nucleoside phosphate biosynthetic process                     
## [45] GO:0009165~nucleotide biosynthetic process                               
## [46] GO:0070589~cellular component macromolecule biosynthetic process         
## [47] GO:0006024~glycosaminoglycan biosynthetic process                        
## [48] GO:0044036~cell wall macromolecule metabolic process                     
## [49] GO:0009252~peptidoglycan biosynthetic process                            
## [50] GO:0042546~cell wall biogenesis                                          
## [51] GO:0044038~cell wall macromolecule biosynthetic process                  
## [52] GO:0009273~peptidoglycan-based cell wall biogenesis                      
## [53] GO:0071554~cell wall organization or biogenesis                          
## [54] GO:0006023~aminoglycan biosynthetic process                              
## [55] GO:0042451~purine nucleoside biosynthetic process                        
## [56] GO:0042455~ribonucleoside biosynthetic process                           
## [57] GO:1901659~glycosyl compound biosynthetic process                        
## [58] GO:0009163~nucleoside biosynthetic process                               
## [59] GO:0046129~purine ribonucleoside biosynthetic process                    
## [60] GO:0006082~organic acid metabolic process                                
## [61] GO:0046390~ribose phosphate biosynthetic process                         
## [62] GO:0009260~ribonucleotide biosynthetic process                           
## [63] GO:0009152~purine ribonucleotide biosynthetic process                    
## [64] GO:0009117~nucleotide metabolic process                                  
## [65] GO:0006753~nucleoside phosphate metabolic process                        
## [66] GO:0072521~purine-containing compound metabolic process                  
## [67] GO:0006163~purine nucleotide metabolic process                           
## [68] GO:0009205~purine ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process          
## [69] GO:0009126~purine nucleoside monophosphate metabolic process             
## [70] GO:0009167~purine ribonucleoside monophosphate metabolic process         
## [71] GO:0046034~ATP metabolic process                                         
## [72] GO:0009123~nucleoside monophosphate metabolic process                    
## [73] GO:0009141~nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process                     
## [74] GO:0009144~purine nucleoside triphosphate metabolic process              
## [75] GO:0009309~amine biosynthetic process                                    
## [76] GO:0009161~ribonucleoside monophosphate metabolic process                
## [77] GO:0009199~ribonucleoside triphosphate metabolic process                 
## [78] GO:0042401~cellular biogenic amine biosynthetic process                  
## 78 Levels: GO:0000105~histidine biosynthetic process ...

Up-regulated proteins:$Term
##  [1] GO:0019318~hexose metabolic process                            
##  [2] GO:0005996~monosaccharide metabolic process                    
##  [3] GO:0006081~cellular aldehyde metabolic process                 
##  [4] GO:0006082~organic acid metabolic process                      
##  [5] GO:0005975~carbohydrate metabolic process                      
##  [6] GO:0046395~carboxylic acid catabolic process                   
##  [7] GO:0044282~small molecule catabolic process                    
##  [8] GO:0016054~organic acid catabolic process                      
##  [9] GO:0006006~glucose metabolic process                           
## [10] GO:0044712~single-organism catabolic process                   
## [11] GO:0072329~monocarboxylic acid catabolic process               
## [12] GO:0006099~tricarboxylic acid cycle                            
## [13] GO:0044723~single-organism carbohydrate metabolic process      
## [14] GO:0016052~carbohydrate catabolic process                      
## [15] GO:0032787~monocarboxylic acid metabolic process               
## [16] GO:0006066~alcohol metabolic process                           
## [17] GO:0006071~glycerol metabolic process                          
## [18] GO:0019751~polyol metabolic process                            
## [19] GO:0019400~alditol metabolic process                           
## [20] GO:0019752~carboxylic acid metabolic process                   
## [21] GO:0043436~oxoacid metabolic process                           
## [22] GO:0019682~glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate metabolic process        
## [23] GO:1901615~organic hydroxy compound metabolic process          
## [24] GO:0051156~glucose 6-phosphate metabolic process               
## [25] GO:0006739~NADP metabolic process                              
## [26] GO:0006098~pentose-phosphate shunt                             
## [27] GO:0019693~ribose phosphate metabolic process                  
## [28] GO:0015949~nucleobase-containing small molecule interconversion
## [29] GO:0046487~glyoxylate metabolic process                        
## [30] GO:0009063~cellular amino acid catabolic process               
## [31] GO:0006970~response to osmotic stress                          
## [32] GO:0006812~cation transport                                    
## [33] GO:0006012~galactose metabolic process                         
## [34] GO:0006811~ion transport                                       
## [35] GO:0019184~nonribosomal peptide biosynthetic process           
## [36] GO:0009052~pentose-phosphate shunt, non-oxidative branch       
## 36 Levels: GO:0005975~carbohydrate metabolic process ...

Down-regulated proteins:$Term
##  [1] GO:1901566~organonitrogen compound biosynthetic process          
##  [2] GO:0006412~translation                                           
##  [3] GO:0006518~peptide metabolic process                             
##  [4] GO:0043043~peptide biosynthetic process                          
##  [5] GO:0043604~amide biosynthetic process                            
##  [6] GO:0043603~cellular amide metabolic process                      
##  [7] GO:0016053~organic acid biosynthetic process                     
##  [8] GO:0010467~gene expression                                       
##  [9] GO:0044283~small molecule biosynthetic process                   
## [10] GO:0046394~carboxylic acid biosynthetic process                  
## [11] GO:0034645~cellular macromolecule biosynthetic process           
## [12] GO:1901605~alpha-amino acid metabolic process                    
## [13] GO:1901607~alpha-amino acid biosynthetic process                 
## [14] GO:0009165~nucleotide biosynthetic process                       
## [15] GO:1901293~nucleoside phosphate biosynthetic process             
## [16] GO:0006022~aminoglycan metabolic process                         
## [17] GO:0000270~peptidoglycan metabolic process                       
## [18] GO:0030203~glycosaminoglycan metabolic process                   
## [19] GO:0008652~cellular amino acid biosynthetic process              
## [20] GO:0044038~cell wall macromolecule biosynthetic process          
## [21] GO:0006023~aminoglycan biosynthetic process                      
## [22] GO:0044036~cell wall macromolecule metabolic process             
## [23] GO:0070589~cellular component macromolecule biosynthetic process 
## [24] GO:0006024~glycosaminoglycan biosynthetic process                
## [25] GO:0009252~peptidoglycan biosynthetic process                    
## [26] GO:0009273~peptidoglycan-based cell wall biogenesis              
## [27] GO:0071554~cell wall organization or biogenesis                  
## [28] GO:0042546~cell wall biogenesis                                  
## [29] GO:0043648~dicarboxylic acid metabolic process                   
## [30] GO:0006164~purine nucleotide biosynthetic process                
## [31] GO:0072522~purine-containing compound biosynthetic process       
## [32] GO:0006082~organic acid metabolic process                        
## [33] GO:0009066~aspartate family amino acid metabolic process         
## [34] GO:0009067~aspartate family amino acid biosynthetic process      
## [35] GO:0009117~nucleotide metabolic process                          
## [36] GO:0006753~nucleoside phosphate metabolic process                
## [37] GO:0072330~monocarboxylic acid biosynthetic process              
## [38] GO:0006520~cellular amino acid metabolic process                 
## [39] GO:0055086~nucleobase-containing small molecule metabolic process
## [40] GO:0019752~carboxylic acid metabolic process                     
## [41] GO:0043436~oxoacid metabolic process                             
## [42] GO:0019438~aromatic compound biosynthetic process                
## [43] GO:0090407~organophosphate biosynthetic process                  
## [44] GO:0009085~lysine biosynthetic process                           
## [45] GO:0009089~lysine biosynthetic process via diaminopimelate       
## [46] GO:0046451~diaminopimelate metabolic process                     
## [47] GO:0006553~lysine metabolic process                              
## [48] GO:0006768~biotin metabolic process                              
## [49] GO:0009102~biotin biosynthetic process                           
## [50] GO:0044265~cellular macromolecule catabolic process              
## [51] GO:0019439~aromatic compound catabolic process                   
## [52] GO:0034655~nucleobase-containing compound catabolic process      
## [53] GO:0042455~ribonucleoside biosynthetic process                   
## [54] GO:0042451~purine nucleoside biosynthetic process                
## [55] GO:0009163~nucleoside biosynthetic process                       
## [56] GO:0046129~purine ribonucleoside biosynthetic process            
## [57] GO:1901659~glycosyl compound biosynthetic process                
## [58] GO:0072525~pyridine-containing compound biosynthetic process     
## [59] GO:0009108~coenzyme biosynthetic process                         
## [60] GO:0006555~methionine metabolic process                          
## [61] GO:0009086~methionine biosynthetic process                       
## [62] GO:0009057~macromolecule catabolic process                       
## [63] GO:0006551~leucine metabolic process                             
## [64] GO:0009098~leucine biosynthetic process                          
## [65] GO:0006767~water-soluble vitamin metabolic process               
## [66] GO:0042364~water-soluble vitamin biosynthetic process            
## [67] GO:0009110~vitamin biosynthetic process                          
## [68] GO:0006766~vitamin metabolic process                             
## [69] GO:0043650~dicarboxylic acid biosynthetic process                
## [70] GO:0072521~purine-containing compound metabolic process          
## [71] GO:0006163~purine nucleotide metabolic process                   
## [72] GO:0009423~chorismate biosynthetic process                       
## [73] GO:0046417~chorismate metabolic process                          
## [74] GO:0009070~serine family amino acid biosynthetic process         
## [75] GO:0009069~serine family amino acid metabolic process            
## [76] GO:0019363~pyridine nucleotide biosynthetic process              
## [77] GO:0009435~NAD biosynthetic process                              
## [78] GO:0019674~NAD metabolic process                                 
## [79] GO:0019359~nicotinamide nucleotide biosynthetic process          
## [80] GO:0009451~RNA modification                                      
## [81] GO:0051186~cofactor metabolic process                            
## [82] GO:0042330~taxis                                                 
## [83] GO:0040011~locomotion                                            
## [84] GO:0042401~cellular biogenic amine biosynthetic process          
## [85] GO:0009309~amine biosynthetic process                            
## [86] GO:0034654~nucleobase-containing compound biosynthetic process   
## [87] GO:0018130~heterocycle biosynthetic process                      
## [88] GO:0051188~cofactor biosynthetic process                         
## 88 Levels: GO:0000270~peptidoglycan metabolic process ...

There is a lot of information to unpack here, but we can see a clear distinction between cellular processes for which RNAs and proteins are down- and up-regulated. Down-regulated cellular processes include ones which are energy-intensive, such as locomotion, translation, gene expression, and various biosynthetic processes. However, up-regulated cellular processes include those involved in catabolism, the process of breaking down cellular components for self-sustainability. There are many more down-regulated terms than up-regulated terms. These results suggest that E. coli seek to conserve energy by throttling down on high energy-burden activities and preparing to catabolise for sustanance.


Overall, with the exception of calculating intra-operon correlations, I was successful in replicating the results of the paper using highly reproducable and legible R code and ggplot graphics. As measured by the optimal number of clusters of time courses, RNAs are more uniformly regulated on a global level than proteins, though the numbers of clusters chosen in the paper for both are too high. We can assess the post-transcriptional regulation of proteins by calculating their proportional and integral correlations with their transcripts. Those which are integrally regulated with respect to their transcript are buffered against drastic changes in their transcripts. While I could not replicate the histogram of median correlation coefficients of intra-operon RNAs and proteins, my results still showed that RNAs in the same operon are more likely to be highly correlated than proteins in the same operon. Finally, and most importantly, I was able to fit an estimated continuous piecewise-linear curve of the expression profile of each measure cellular component which seems to describe the data well and lends itself well to categorization into up- and down-regulation. This fitting was performed by optimizing a cost function associated with each component with the Nelder-Mead method. Once this fitting and categorization was performed, I submitted these lists of genes to DAVID to perform GO term enrichment, from which we can analyze the cellular processes associated with the genes in each of these cateogories.

In the future, I would like to do more investigation into the finding a more robust model to fit expression profiles, which can still be used for classification but from which it is easier to derive standard errors of parameters and is also less prone to overfitting. Additionally, I would like to replicate the images in Figure 4 of the paper, which shows the average time courses of genes in the same term. It took me a while to get RDAVIDWebService working on my laptop, and I experienced many difficulties with the DAVID server being down, so I was only able to run queries to DAVID right before this project was due. Finally, I want to also investigate the other subjects explored in the paper, namely flux analysis and lipid analysis.


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  3. Cristobal Fresno, Elmer A. Fernandez (2013). “RDAVIDWebService: a versatile R interface to DAVID Bioinformatics, 29(21), 2810-2811. URL